Love this Patricia! Great to see you writing here again. And love your word for the new year. Enchantment - yummy the magic of life! Great picture of the Blue Heron. Taking about magic, these are such majestic birds. Where I live I see them flying over head every now and then, or if I go for a walk near a body of water, they usually show up at some point. How awesome that you have one visiting your neighborhood pond! As you say, a "gift"

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Thanks Julie. You and Marie really inspired me to start writing again as I read your blogs. Oh yes the Blue Herons. When they take flight it’s just so marvelous to behold!!

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I loved this Patricia. You summed up the past year so well. When I started walking in the spring I sought to find enchantment in that nondescript park and I do believe I found it. I was sad when the snow came and I couldn’t get access to the park. Thankfully we are having an el niño winter and while getting into the park is a challenge,once there the paths are clear and now a month and a half of winter is behind us. Gee it would be nice if a great blue heron visited the marsh, but somehow I doubt there are fish in it. It’s a man made marsh and it isn’t connected to a river or creek. When the water level drops as it did in the fall, they just let more water in. They installed an irrigation system so to speak. It’s my favourite place in the park. It’s where my sit spot is. Although there is nothing interesting going on there at the moment. Just cattail seeds blowing everywhere.

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It’s it just wonderful to find your nature space no matter where you reside? I need my nature daily. Your park sounds magical!!

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Patricia, I love the focus on magic and your special blue haron! She is absolutely majestic. I'm contemplating taking a word for next year. If I were to choose today I would pick glimmer. To me a glimmer is a hint of magic; an invitation to be curious and play.

I'm finding glimmers in people's writing, music, silence and nature. It can show up anywhere if I open myself to it .

So much of what you touched on sums up things I've be thinking about too. It's nice to see you back here!

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Thank you Marie. I must say you and Julie have influenced me to take up with words again. Yes Glimmer I love it! It is most certainly an enchanted word!

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