Mar 27Liked by Patricia

Always good to hear from you Patricia. Enjoy your time in Ireland and good luck with the move. xx

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Patricia, what a lovely invitation into spring, flowers, geese, walks in the park, being with your grand kids. I sense a lot of joy in your post.

Safe travels to Ireland, and enjoy your visit there. When you get back I want to hear about the trip to the well. I have Sharon Blackie's oracle deck and I recently picked the Well card. Resulting in some deep contemplations on Springs and wells.

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Thank you Julie! I am feeling a great deal of joy at this time! I love Sharon's deck! As for the trip I will take loads of pictures! I can't wait to be there again!

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You are beating me to Ireland by days! I can't wait either. Life sounds like it has lots coming to keep you happy and busy. I hope things work out that you can make it West Cork for the equinox in September! Slainte!

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Mar 21Liked by Patricia

I found your writings, Patricia 💙 and love the first one about your upcoming trip back to Ireland. Sure wish I could make it back there, and that I could have brought Mom Sheila back to the homeland of her ancestors. But I’m sure she’s enjoying it now from her vantage point. ☘️🍀🥰

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I’m so envious of your daffodils blooming. There was no sign of anything blooming where I live. I do notice though that the grass is getting green. I see a hint of some green in my flower bed, but it’s still covered with snow. The snow is melting here it’s not so much melting as it sublimating, but a lot of snow has disappeared.

How nice that you have geese to look at. Canada geese are a dime a dozen where I live. They were protected species and have the right away on every city street. There’s been a lot who have stayed here all winter along with a few ducks. There is been a patch of open water on the lake All winter but today when I was out for my walk, I noticed it’s completely frozen over. There were hundreds of geese on the lake though and they’re pairing up everywhere so I guess they know that the season is going to change. Well it feels cold today. It could be warm tomorrow. Seasons never change gradually here. It could be winter one day and spring the next. There are those who say that we can experience all four seasons, here in one Day.

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Oh Nancy, I just can't take the cold. It just seeps into the bones doesn't it? We do have winters here but they are short and then we have the most glorious springs! But I am bracing myself for Ireland because it is a special kind of wet cold that just seeps into me and I need the first week just to acclimate!! Lots of woolens and sitting by the fire with a nice hot Irish Whiskey:).

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In truth the winter hasn’t been that bad but it just goes on and on. We are completing 5 months now and there’s no telling what April will be like. When I say below zero that’s below 32 F. We’ve had lots of temperatures above zero this winter. A couple days ago it was +9. It was glorious. Today it got to -1 which is higher than forecast. The snow is disappearing rapidly but it’s still winter.

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